Being a massive fan of both Snatcher and Hideo Kojima games in general i have been waiting for years for the fan translation of Policenauts to be finished. I never thought it would actually be done but last autumn it was finished meaning the english speaking world got to understand what the hell was going on in this game for the first time!
The game itself plays very similar to Snatcher, apart from the shooting sections are alot harder and the game itself is much greater in length overall.

Policenauts does weave a very captivating story, as is the case with all of Kojima's titles. Both this and Snatcher however are free from alot of the complex overly complicated plot advances that the Metal Gear games suffer from.
Whereas Snatcher was pretty much a direct homage to the film Blade Runner, Policenauts is in all respects the same to the Lethal Weapon series and similiar detective buddy films of the 80's and 90's.
Due to this the plot is slightly predictable in places but yet still very gripping.
Again a trait of Hideo Kojima games Policenauts sports a superb soundtrack and it's fantastic main theme will be instantly recognisable to anyone who has played the first Metal Gear Solid game as it's opening bars also feature in the opening to that game (it also can be found and played on the Ipod in MGS4
Have a listen here if you want to know what i mean
Super game and it's a pity the superior Sega Saturn version with light gun support didn't get released in the west as was originally planned along with many other lost Saturn classics
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