It's not very often i get massively excited for the release of a modern game, in fact the last time would be Bayonetta, but i can't help but be hyped up for the release of this game!
Shadows Of The Damned comes from the creative mind of Suda51 (No More Heroes) and my personal favourite game developer Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil). Also working on the game to provide the soundtrack is former Silent Hill legend Akira Yamaoka. This is a dream team as far as i'm concerned and the preview videos released for the game have only served to en heighten my enthusiasm.
From the preview trailers and interviews with Mikami & Suda the game appears to use the template of Resident Evil 4 for it's combat, this alone is enough for me to buy the game - Mikami making another game using the template that HE created.....yes please!
The visual style and theme of the game appears to come more from Suda51, Punk Rock Thriller as he describes it.

I'm very interested to see what Yamaoka does with the soundtrack, particularly as he has Mary Elizabeth McGlynn on board to provide vocals as she did with the classic Silent Hill 3 tracks.
Release date is currently down for 21st June, i for one will be putting in a pre order so i can play this on day one!
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