Seiken Densetsu 3 (SNES repro cart)
I've been hammering this game all week, played the first few hours quite a few times i first got hold of the tranlated rom in 2000. Managed to snag a repro cart earlier in the year so i can play it on my USA Snes and Sony CRT combo. It looks lush and the game is an absolute stunner, even better than it's prequel Secret Of Mana in my opinion. 20 hours in and the bosses are now getting a bit tough.

Radiant Silvergun (XBLA)
In the past i've been a bit mean to this game, writing it off as a bit overrated, even though it was the game that got me into modern shmups (from at the time being a PSX Jrpg fanatic). Over the last week or so i've been putting a lot of time in and the game has really clicked for me. It's currently the game i go to just for a quick couple of credits before i walk the dog each night.
and i've just finished..........

The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
My girlfriend and i resumed my xmas 2009 save a couple of weekends back and just managed to finish off the last dungeon this evening. I enjoyed the game but the tacked on Wii controls let me down on a few occasions leading to plenty of frustration. I also feel it lacks a little bit of the character that Wind Waker had but i know plenty of people will feel otherwise about that.