Lunar: The Silver Star (Mega CD)
Only played the first couple of hours of this, was originally playing the PSP remake but didn't enjoy the isometric layout and the loading times, the original Mega CD version however is strictly overhead 2d & is full of 16 bit charm which is exactly what i'm currently in the mood for.

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (360)
I've had this on the shelf for a while after grabbing it preowned at £5, it's exactly as the reviews have said - basically a Burnout game! Good job i absolutely love the older Burnout games then really.

Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Fired this up for the first time since late 2009, i've never finished it as i seem to be completely shit when it comes to 3d platformers. Struggling to add to my star count which is currently at 53.
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