Final Fantasy XII (PS2)I'm about 55 hours into the game now and i kind of wish it would end, i loved the first 35 hours or so but the last 20 have dragged and the plot seems to have lost it's way and intensity. The only thing keeping me going is how much i love the boss fights - the dungeon crawling beforehand has worn out it's welcome though, especially with the longest dungeon still to come...
Final Fantasy VI (Snes)As you can see i've been in a bit of a FF mood the last few weeks, when i started to get burnt out on XII i stuck VI on as i've never actually finished this one either. Now i'm juggling both. About 10 hours through this one, just done the Opera scene.
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (PS3)Not played much of this, on the 4th mission currently. It's much better than i expected so far! Yes the game has been westernised a bit and some of the controls simplified but it's still Ace Combat.