Known as Sonic Wings in Japan 1992 's arcade shoot em' up Aero Fighters basically laid the foundations for the majority of the games that came out of cult development house Psikyo during the period of 1992 - 2003. This includes such classics as the Strikers series, Gunbird 1&2 and the hard as balls Dragon Blaze.
The similarities are mainly due to most of the Video System development team who worked on Aero Fighters going on to work for Psikyo.

Aero Fighters bears all the hallmarks of the later Psikyo classics, short fast levels, multiple power ups and transforming mech bosses. It was also one of the first shoot em' ups to offer multiple characters to choose from i believe, all with unique ship types with different attributes.

It was followed by two sequels, both for the Neo Geo MVS arcade system. They were also good games but failed to live up to the awesomeness of the original, mainly in my opinion to the change in screen orientation from a standard vertical to a vertical scroller but on a horizontal screen (as in Radiant Silvergun, Gigawing etc).
Aero Fighters was ported to both the Japanese Playstation and Saturn consoles as Sonic Wings Special but i can't comment on the quality of either as i have only played the PCB (which incidentally only costs about the same amount).
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