For years we waited for a (proper) sequel to the classic Sega coin-op Outrun but it never came, then when it finally did in 2003 arcades were practically dead in the west and the Burnout series had taken over the home console market by designing a suitably Sega styled arcade racer (Burnout 2).

There was still place however for a great update to a classic series and this is certainly what Sega provided with Outrun 2. Gorgeous graphics, a great remixed soundtrack and silky smooth fast gameplay meant that this was every arcade racer fans dream.

Sumo Digital handled the home conversions and boy did they do a good job, the Xbox version came first and literally blew me away, i didn't think it was possible to make such an accurate conversion of the arcade game at that time but i was proved wrong!
Then they went one better and converted the Outrun 2 SP arcade revision to the Xbox again along with the PS2 and the PSP!! All versions were bloody superb, even the obviously scaled down PSP version.

Outrun 2 continues to live on Xbox Live and PSN as a downloadable title, so if you've never experienced drifting round corners at high speed listening to Magical Sound Shower whilst admiring the bright blue sky then you need to check it out as it's something every gamer should experience at least once.
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