Condemned: Criminal Origins for the 360 is in my opinion the most underrated game on the system. It combines thrilling scares and almost unbearable tension with a genuinely interesting and mature storyline (well, until the last bit)
The first person viewpoint only serves to increase the fear and immersion but i think herein lies the problem as to why the game doesn't get the credit it deserves. I'd imagine countless gamers have approached it thinking it was a FPS when in reality yes you do get a firearm from time to time but they only have a handful of bullets in them so the rest of the time it's a plank of wood ftw!
The school and department store sections in this game are definitely contenders for the scariest section ever in a horror game, they really do get under your skin.

Throughout the game you will be called on to investigate certain crime scenes with your forensic equipment, this is one of the games highlights which was expanded on even more in the (disappointing) sequel Condemned 2.
With Condemned 2 Monolith made the mistake of adding more guns into the mix - no doubt in an attempt to appeal to a wider audience and sell more copies, which it did but it's still by far the weaker game. They also changed the main character from a slightly portly hispanic looking man to a redneck looking thin alcoholic, oh and for another character they went back in time and made her about 20 years younger, did they think no one would notice?!
Anyway, the first Condemned is great, if it passed you by you could do a hell of alot worse than to check it out
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