Progear is a horizontal shoot em' up developed by the highly talented Japanese studio Cave and published by Capcom in 2001 for their CPSII arcade system.
The game features absolutly gorgeous artwork and graphics plus a fantastic soundtrack which completely fits the melancoly steampunk vibe which is prevalent throughout,

Progear is unique as it is one of only two horizontal shmups developed by Cave (the other being 2007's "Death Smiles") but the developers signature key gameplay elements (such as holding down fire to produce a focused shot mixed with slowed down craft speed) are all present and correct meaning it plays very similar to other Cave shooters - although the change in viewing angle can make avoiding bullets harder than usual.
Unfortunately due to Capcom owning the license it's unlikely that this superb game will ever make it into a home format, it can be emulated quite well but in my opinion the CPSII board is the best option if you want to experience the game properly.
Superplay video here
Great scrolling shooter!