Gears Of War unfortunately seems to stand for pretty much everything i dislike about this generation of games and i can't see that changing for many reasons...
- The character/enemy design, voice acting and script is all terrible, the game is populated by huge clunky musclebound space marine style "Gears" who have no personality whatsoever and the unbearably generic "Locust" who just are bland and safe (and no doubt loved by whooping kids on xbox live)
- The gameplay rips off Resident Evil 4, even down to the enemy who hunts by sound rather than sight.
- The weapons are bland, even the chainsaw becomes old quick (hmm chainsaw, Resi 4?)
- The legacy - now every game developer thinks that G.O.W. is the benchmark so they copy it, including Japanese companies like Capcom for Resident Evil 5 which is just unforgivable.
- Bender from Futurama is the main characters voice for fucks sake.
What i will say is that the ICO style burnt filter kind of look to the graphics is gorgeous, it's just a pity they had to fill a wonderful environment with a bunch of stupid inbred twats.
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