To be honest i struggle to get excited about most new games, i find the look of most of them quite bland, generic and safe to appeal to a certain audience. Even my beloved Capcom and Konami are going down the same path - but i will touch on this another time
Dead Space is by Electronic Arts and is fucking brilliant. There it is, i said it, who would have thought that one of the rare gems to come out in the last few years would come out of an EA owned studio.

Dead Space is basically the game Resident Evil 5 should've been. It grabs you by the throat right from the start and never lets up with it's tense oppressive atmosphere that really does get to you. Much of this is down to the use of sound along with the fantastic lighting within the game and the superb art design of the environments/enemies.
If you have either a PS3 or a Xbox 360 this should be in your collection, it can be had for a tenner for christs sake.
Get it
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