I realised recently that another decade is over in a month or so and began thinking about the best games released in the period. I decided it was too hard for me to decide on the
best and instead took the easy option and chose my
personal favourite games of the last ten years
10. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (Xbox)Bioware's fantastic RPG was the kick up the arse that Star Wars games had desperately needed since the first Jedi Knight game and also presented me with a wonderful feeling of immersion and choice that i hadn't felt since the mighty Deus Ex.
9. Resident Evil (Gamecube)Gorgeous, atmospheric and genuinely scary in some places Shinji Mikami's re-imaging of the very first Resident Evil is an absolute modern classic which criminally didn't reach as wide an audience as the Playstation original did.
8. Fallout 3 (360)Along with the five available DLC's Fallout 3 represents an absolutely staggering amount of quality content, much like Oblivion before it this is a game where (if you want to) you can spend hours and hours immersed in a rich environment exploring and completing sidequests. If you want to just play through the main game then that too is possible so please don't think "i haven't got the time to invest" etc as basically Fallout 3 can be as long or as you short as you want it to be.
7. Silent Hill 3 (PS2)As mentioned in the previous blog post i enjoyed this a fraction more than Silent Hill 2 (both are brilliant though!)
6. Super Monkey Ball 2 (Gamecube)Super Monkey Ball was everything a great video game should be with it's simple mechanics and extreme playability leading to a fiendishly addictive experience. Super Monkey Ball 2 built on this and just gave you more, more levels more mini games and generally a slightly more refined title.
5. Ikaruga (Dreamcast)Treasure’s critically lauded shoot em’ up managed to transcend boundaries and bring the genre to a wider audience for the first time in years. Punishingly hard in places if you don’t play by Treasure’s rules but yet wide open for score exploitation if you do, Ikaruga never fails to be exhilarating.
(Max chain..Max chain..Energy max....that voice plays in my head at night)
4. Shenmue (Dreamcast)Sega’s infamously ambitious title tends to attract love and hate from the gaming community in equal amounts. I am firmly in the first camp, it’s just a shame we will never see and end to the story started with this beautiful game. (Japanese version was actually released 29/12/99 but wasn't translated until almost a year later)
3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots (PS3)Pure fan service and excessive with it’s cutscenes (shock horror!) in places but my god if I didn’t love the rollercoaster ride of a story and the wonderfully constructed combat situations.
2. Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube)The game that changed a franchise and also changed me as a gamer. At the time of the US release I was feeling very jaded with gaming and had only finished one game in over a year. Resident Evil 4 changed that and gripped me from start to finish like no console game had before. Wonderful.
1. Deus Ex (PC)I view Warren Spector’s 2000 masterpiece as the greatest game ever so this was always going to be number one on this list, no other game has imparted choice onto the player in such an open ended and brilliant way. I also think the sequel Deus Ex Invisible War was also a great game too, albeit dumbed down in comparison.
Honurable MentionsDevil May Cry
Half Life 2
Mass Effect
Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Dead Space
Ninja Gaiden Black
Modern Warfare 2
Super Monkey Ball
Super Mario Galaxy
Shadow Of The Colossus
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Gradius V
No More Heroes
Burnout 2 & 3
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Aria Of Sorrow
Outrun 2
Silent Hill 2
Winning Eleven 7