Possibly the greatest, and certainly the most accessible 2d fighter SNK has ever produced Mark Of The Wolves is much like Street Fighter III 3rd Strike in that it is an artistically gorgeous and highly technical game.

I previously would have classed myself as something of a noob to Neo Geo fighters prior to this game, I was more of a Capcom player and struggled to adjust to the different style even though I had owned most of the ports available I never quite clicked with them.
I bought the MVS version of Garou for my cab to put an end to this and I have to say it has definitely worked, which is nice as it has made accessible to me a wealth of games I previously couldn’t get into such as the King Of Fighters, Samurai Shodown & The Last Blade series

There are good ports available on the PS2 (avoid the shoddy Dreamcast port), Xbox live arcade and most PC’s under 3-4 years old should be able to emulate it perfectly if you’re that way inclined.
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