5. The Darkness
Often challenging to the point of frustration the main appeal of The Darkness lies in it's fantastically woven sombre stoy which you will want to stick with until the end. This is aided by sublime graphics and superb voice acting. It may seem a little rough round the edges but it really is worth the effort!
(value - under £6.00)

4. Dark Sector
Slammed by many for being an average Gears Of War clone Dark Sector in fact takes it influences from a number of Japanese titles, Resident Evil 4 and the 3d Zelda's in particular.
Well worth a playthrough if you're on the lookout for a decent 3d action title
(value - under £7.50)

3. Lost Planet
It's by Capcom. It has fantastic big tough bosses, big explosions and a stupid story. enough said
(value - under £7.00)
2. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (GRAW 2)
Criticised for not being different enough from the first game GRAW 2 in fact takes a gorgeous but clunky and frustrating game into a thing of warmongering beauty! This is the best "Cover Shooter" on the 360 in my opinion and one of the few games on the system i've gone back and finished again on the harder difficulties. If you have any interest in modern military games then this shouldn't be missed.
(value - under £7.00)

1. Condemned: Criminal Origins
I've talked about this game already so i won't bang on about it again, all that needs to be said is avoid the sequel and check out this gem instead.
(value - under £6.00)
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