Hmm. Well i don't really know what to say about this to be honest, considering the pedigree of the developers involved - mainly Atsushi Inaba (Clover) and Tokuro Fujiwara (absolute Capcom legend) - i was really expecting something very special indeed.
Instead i was more than a little disappointed.

On paper you would've expected this title to be an all together stylish experience - both in gameplay and visual art, instead i found it to be shallow, juvenile and woefully fiddly.
Much of this is down to the childish delivery of the subject matter, it just doesn't work - neither as comedy or as a parody. The terrible second rate Hip Hop soundtrack could be overlooked if it wasn't interspersed with that shockingly bad "commentary" by Greg Proops and yet again fucking Bender from Futurama.
If there's one word to describe MadWorld it's repetitive, the commentary samples are repeated endlessly meaning they outstay their welcome very quickly and i'm afraid the same thing has to be said about the combat.

It's just lacking in depth and needlessly tacks on Wii remote controls which i found to be very fiddly indeed, there wasn't the precision found in Viewtiful Joe or God Hand for example.
This really does turn the combat into a simple button basher where you basically kick the fuck out of enemy after enemy until you've gained enough points to unlock the next boss battle - none of which are particularly inspiring to say the least.
It just all seems half-baked, with more attention poured on the puerile sweary commentary than the actual thing that matters - the gameplay!
I hope this is just a blip, i really do, and that Bayonetta blows us away.
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